
DC Mythbusting

From a great DC blog, WeLoveDC, is a series of posts about the various DC myths and their (often massive) falsity.  Great for chating up dudes at parties. Just watch me.

My favorites are the ones on the DC traffic circles and why there’s no J street. Mostly because I find it pretty entertaining to be proven completely wrong.

Here’s their most recent one on the White House flag. Apparently it just aint true that the American flag is only flown at the White House when the President is in the District. Lies. Bald faced lies.

Also: On the building height limit in DC, on whether or not the Washington Monument is on an axis with the White House and the Mall (which you know to be completely false just by looking at the White House), on the daytime population of DC, on the 2010 census, and on why there’s no stop metro in Georgetown. As well as so many other great ones. Check it out.

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